Monday, March 17, 2014

First Anniversay - First (Indoor) Triathlon

March 9, 2014
First Triathlon Anniversary

Happy anniversary to me!  One year ago today I did my first (indoor) triathlon.  While I don't want to pat myself on the back, what a long way I've come.  I say often, "Who would have thought?"  And I mean that.  Who would have thought that a person who could not walk more than 20 feet without having to stop for breath, who could not put on her socks or tie her shoes, who needed support to get up from a chair would have spent the last year doing triathlons?  To this day, I'm not sure what inspired me to do that first triathlon a year ago.  But, I'm so glad I did.

I don't think I have ever been so nervous before a race!  My biggest fear was that after all the work I've put in during the off season, my times would be slower. 

During the race, I ran into the college girl who timed my run at the same race last year.  I told her that last year's tri changed my life.  I also shared that I had told lots of people all year long about the great college kids who cheered for me every time I came around the track.  And once again, she was so supportive.  People can be so nice.  She is a junior so maybe I'll see her at next year's race.

Here's my times.   I did a personal record in all three events.  I had no idea how fast I would run after doing all the long, slow runs in the off season.  When I looked at my watch, I could not believe it.  I was running miles in the 11:00's.  What!!  In the 11:00's?!!  Last year I was barely under a 18:00 minute mile.  So if, like me, you are a doubting Thomas about the benefits of slow long runs and hill climbs during the off season, doubt no more.  It works!

 This Year
53.17.0   (pace 11.53)
 Last Year
35.40.9   (pace 17.46) 

Maybe even more than the improved times, was my improved confidence in the run.  The running that I've done over the past six months have taught me so much about running and about my body.  I now know how it feels when my heart is in zone 2 and zone 3.  I really don't even need to look at my heart monitor any more.  I was so confident coming into this run.  First, I knew that I could make it.  Second, I need what form I needed to use.  Third, I knew what pace I wanted to run.  Well, kind of.  I knew I wanted to go faster than 13:00.  I had no idea that my body would feel like I was going 13:00, but I'd actually be going faster than 12:00.
What an incredibly satisfying day!



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