Friday, September 26, 2014

What I have learned. Sharing my story . . .

What I Have Learned.  Sharing My Story . . .
September 26, 2014

The YMCA that sponsored the Lake Santee race asked me if I would agree to be featured in an article.  Oh my gosh!  That is so strange!  But, I remember how much it helped me to know that other people had lost 100 pounds and were exercising even though overweight.  So, maybe my journey can help others.  I agreed to be interviewed.  

Knowing that I will have a chance to say things to others who might be thinking about starting this journey, what do I want to share?  I think that the main things are:   1)  Losing 100 pounds is doable.  A LOT of people have lost 100 pounds the old fashion way (good nutrition and exercise).  2) People at any weight can exercise.  3) Be courageous.  Decide that nothing is going to get in your way - pride, temporary set-backs, nothing. 

Here are some other thoughts . . .   
  1. Don't do it alone.  Join Weight Watchers, the local YMCA, a local gym. Let there be angels in your life.
  2. If you have a lot of weight to lose, find people who have also lost that much weight and use them to remember that this is a do-able journey.  In the beginning, I told myself over and over again, "This is do-able.  Trish did it."
  3. When your pride gets in the way, ask yourself, "Which is more important, my pride or my goals?"
  4. When you are afraid, just grit your teeth and leap.  Courage is a big part of this journey.
  5. Don't think of what you are doing as a diet.  It is a lifestyle that will be with you for the rest of your life.
  6. Remember that you are not doing this to lose weight, you are doing this to get healthy.
  7. Make sure your journey includes a nutrition plan (not a diet) and a cardio plan.
  8. Begin thinking ofood as fuel rather than as comfort or enjoyment.
  9. Commit to a year-long journey.  Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  10. Start with a small (but challenging) goal - e.g. lose 10% of your weight
  11. Celebrate every time you lose 10 pounds.  Tell people.  Let them celebrate with you!
  12. Never go off the nutrition or cardio plan one time.  If you do, the second time is so much easier.
  13. If you do slip, tell yourself to get back on plan immediately.  This is very, very important.  Don't let slipping become a habit.
  14. Find a way to make cardio fun.  Make it social by doing a class at your YMCA or gym.  Take up a sport (e.g. training to walk a 5k).  If you are thinking 5k, I highly, highly recommend Couch to 5K on your iPhone.  It is super easy in the beginning, you do a little more each day, you complete the program in 9 weeks, and then you enter a 5k.  Totally doable.  Remember, no one is looking at you.  They are all thinking about their race.  And those who do look at you (e.g. the race organizers) will be SO proud of you.  And when you walk across that finish line, I promise that you will be SO proud!!  I cried!
  15. Record every bite you eat.  I use My Fitness Pal (free) on my iPhone. 
  16. Record every bit of cardio that you do.  In the beginning, I used My Fitness Pal (to log my minutes) and Runkeeper on my iPhone.  Runkeeper tracks your minutes, miles and pace using GPS.  Both are free.  
Additional tips:
  1. Have a "go to" food that you can eat in any restaurant - especially fast food restaurants.  Don't be afraid to ask the waiter / waitress to leave things off the dish that you don't want (bacon, cheese, potatoes).  I always ask if I can substitute brocolli for potatoes.
  2. Because we all have hectic schedules, most of us end up at fast food restaurants.  I try to only do fast food every other week.  The problem with fast food is that it has SO much salt.  I gain 5 pounds of water weight immediately even when I only eat 300 calories ofast food and then it takes five days to shed that water.  Frustrating!  Have go-to selections at fast food restaurants too. Here are my fast food go-tos:  Taco Bell - 2 Fresco Tacos  /  Wendy's - half salad + small chili  /  Subway - 6" veggie delight (no cheese, no mayo) + bag of apples.    
  3. Use spices to make vegetables interesting.  Be creative.  One of my favorite foods is hot scrambled egg whites mixed with Southwestern spices, then tossed with cold fresh spinach and low-cal Raspberry vinaigrette.  Doesn't that sound terrible?!  I love it!
  4. I try to make the mechanics of eating healthy food the same as when I ate junk food.  For example, I eat a slice bread like it is a sandwich, I slice apples paper thin and eat them like potato chips, I pretend yogurt is ice cream!  Ha! 
  5. Understand that after a while, an apple will be as exciting as a candy bar once was!  I promise.
  6. I like to eat the same thing every day.  Then, for a treat, I have some other kind of healthy food that I don't normally eat.  
  7. If someone upsets you, don't let them hurt you twice by going off your nutrition / cardio plan to eat comfort food.  Tell yourself, "I am not going to give that person the power to hurt me twice," and then stick to your plan.  Tell yourself, "I am too strong to let that person hurt me twice."  Then be that person.

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