Sunday, March 3, 2013

First INDOOR Sprint Triathlon! BIKE

March 3, 2012
First Sprint Triathlon!  BIKE

After I left the pool, I went to where the spin classes were always held in the facility and no one was there!  After spending a lot of energy running up and down the halls trying to figure out where I was supposed to be, I finally found a row of bikes in the hall on the third floor.

I also ate a little.  The rules said you weren't supposed to eat or drink anything but water in the facility, but psychologically I felt like I just had to have a power burst, so I ate half a protein bar hiding in the restroom!

I climbed onto a bike and spun for a minute while setting the resistance to something that I thought I could do for a long time.  Then I told the volunteer that I was ready to start.  She started her stop watch and then put it at the base of my bike.  Once again, I was sooooo nervous and sooooo excited.  The spin bike had a computer on board so I could see how many miles I had gone.

After my SPIN classes at the gym, the bike was not easy but very doable.  I just put my legs on 80 revolutions per minute and kept a steady pace.  As you an see in the photo, I was drenched with sweat.  I valued every drop!  I was working!  I was doing it!  Woohoo!

We were told to let the college-age volunteers know when we were close to 8 miles.  When I hit 7.5 miles, I got the attention of one the volunteers who called my timer over.  She watched the computer and at exactly 8.0 miles, she stopped the stopwatch. 

I did it!!!!  Two events down, one to go!

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