First Indoor Sprint Triathlon! RUN! FINISH!
Before the run, I went into the bathroom on the third floor and splashed cold water on my face to help me cool down.
The track was on the third floor and it was HOT in there. I brought a water bottle and put it on the ledge at the start, but I didn't want to slow down during the run, so I didn't drink much. Looking back, I wish I had carried it with me or brought a water bottle that straps to your hand. I should have drunk lots of water during the run in that hot, humid environment, but I didn't.
When I arrived at the track, I gave my timing card to the most wonderful young lady named Anna. She was in charge of me during the run. She counted and recorded each of the 30 laps and as I finished a lap, she told me what lap number it was.
The run was hard, hard, hard. I was so tired from the swim and bike, that I think I leaned too far forward in the run and the joints between my toes and my feet (metatarsals) started shooting searing pains up to my knees, but I was determined to finish without walking.
Around, around, around and around the track I ran. The track was not closed for the event so there were walkers there too. I'd pick out a walker and make it my goal to pass him or her. I finally figured out that if I looked up, my toes/feet didn't hurt so much. That helped.
The kids in the university swim club were amazing. They knew my name (from my score card) and about 20 of them would cheer me on every time I came around the track. "Come on Sue! You can do it! Only 10 more laps to go!" I couldn't wait to see them every time I can around the turn where they were all standing.
As I started my last lap, Anna yelled, "LAST LAP!" Oh my gosh! I was going to make it! I was going to finish!
As I approached the finish, my husband couldn't contain himself. He ran down the track and gave me the biggest hug! The only problem what that I hadn't crossed the finish line!! So I had to kind of push him aside and keep going. I don't think my feet ever stopped moving. It was an "on-the-run" kind of hug. Ha!
After I crossed the finish line, I collapsed into my husbands arms. There were cheers from all the college kids. I was so proud! I could see how proud my husband was of me too.
I DID IT!!!!!